In their January 2016 publication, ‘The Road Ahead’, NCVO highlighted the voluntary sector’s need to play ‘Digital Catch-up’ suggesting that many organisations make do with poor Internet connectivity and an ageing or inefficient IT and communications infrastructure.
To help address this, Class Networks, in partnership with NCVO, have launched a new Technology Funding Initiative aimed at enabling NCVO members to play ‘Digital Catch-up’.
Designed to help charities and non-profits kick-start their own digital strategy, funding is provided in the form of a Digital Voucher. The voucher can be redeemed against any of the key services Class Networks provides.
“Digital is part of everything and charities need to consider their whole digital strategy, including using online communication and storage tools to help reduce costs and enable staff to work remotely. Class Networks can help with their flexible Cloud and IP-based communication services,” commented Chris Taylor, Enterprise Development Manager, NCVO.
The funding from Class Networks is designed to improve communication infrastructure and manage on-going ICT costs and is scaled to a charities income and size.
The funding offer is exclusive to NCVO members. Find out more and apply here
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